100 Facts About Me!
1. My real name is Kathryn.
2. My favorite foods are eclairs.
3. My top 3 favorite cities are London, San Francisco, and Rome.
4. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Math and will use it to teach high school.
5. Directing gives me the same butterflies in my stomach as falling in love.
6. Food is my greatest vice.
7. I wish I could quit everything and create for a living.
8. My favorite bands are The Beatles and NeedToBreathe.
9. I don't have any piercings or tattoos, but I want to get a tattoo when I turn 70 because then I know how my skin sags, I'll know exactly what I want to get, and it won't be trashy, it will be cool!
10. If it isn't obvious, knitting is the "thing I do for me" (hopeless Notebook ref). Some would call it their stress reliever.
11. I don't really get stressed.
12. A Walk To Remember is the only book I've ever shed tears over while reading.
13. Harry Potter is the thing I love most besides people and God.
14. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people act like Harry Potter is real.
15. However, my favorite book genre is historical fiction about the Holocaust in France.
16. I didn't know current music existed until I was in 7th or 8th grade. I listened to all of my parents favorite music including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Glen Miller, Buddy Holly, Sting, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, etc.
17. My dad used to play songs from the 50's on his guitar for me. I wish he did that more.
18. Pearl Harbor and That Thing You Do! are my top two favorite movies.
19. I hate vomit. I also have a sixth sense for when it will appear in movies and TV shows.
20. I feel like 1947 would have been the perfect year for me to have been born in America.
21. But I feel very lucky and privileged to be a part of my generation.
22. I love coffee and tea equally. I think different situations call for different drinks. Like if you are going to work at 7am or you are in London at 3 in the afternoon.
23. The pope has given me a shout out.
24. My favorite day of the year is May 2nd. And no, there isn't a specific reason.
25. After I chose that day, I found out years later it was the day Harry defeated Voldemort. I also present my Harry Potter thesis on that day.
26. I have over 8,000 songs in my iTunes, but only listen to about 1/10 of them on a regular basis.
27. I love books, especially old books, but I love that my Kindle allows me to read without lugging hundreds of books around with me.
28. I have a great understanding of myself and the psychology of others without having any great knowledge in psychology.
29. Theatre has really helped me understand the human person.
30. I do improv. I am by no means the best or even good at it, but I have met most of my good friends through it.
31. My best friend and I connected because we both cure the hiccups with peanut butter.
32. I have an unnatural love for Nutella. This is due to some long stories in Rome.
33. I have gotten 3 traffic tickets. The first I got while I was a passenger. The other two occurred in the same weekend. In all of these incidents, I was unfairly targeted.
34. I own close to 160 t-shirts. I count them once a year. I refuse to make a quilt for at least 10 more years.
35. I love driving stick, especially on the hills in San Francisco. Not so much in freeway traffic.
36. I am a huge procrastinator, but it is entirely involuntary.
37. I played piano for 7 years, and I can barely play anymore because I don't have the patience to practice. However, I'm glad I can now read music, which is a valuable skill.
38. I would like to become proficient at an instrument before I die.
39. I love to dance (as in choreographed), but I don't like dances or dancing to current music.
40. I don't like to wear jewelry, but I occasionally like to wear necklaces or rings.
41. My watch never leaves my wrist, unless I sleep,, shower, or I need to replace the battery.
42. I love to cook, and I will always pay for well prepared food. Those $10 make all the difference.
43. I love butter. I like to slather, but I know it is not good for me. When I was little I used to hide under the kitchen table while my mom was cooking and take swipes out of the butter with my finger when she wasn't looking.
44. I got my first pet, a cat named Juliette, for my 4th birthday. I named her after a twin baby elephant in the Barnum and Bailey Circus. Yes, her twin was Romeo, but I didn't understand the reference. She was a calico, skinny, adopted from the streets of Oakland, and knew when I was upset. She died about a month ago at almost 18 years old.
45. I taught myself HTML when I was in middle school. I am now the webmaster for my dad's company website.
46. My family likes to vacation on the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
47. The Outer Banks have the most epic putt-putt golf courses I've ever played!
48. My parents took me everywhere when I was little. I went to Paris when I was 2, and I saw Phantom of the Opera when I was 5. I really appreciate this and want to do this with my kid(s).
49. I went to Liverpool when I was abroad and found Lennon and McCartney's childhood homes, Strawberry Fields, Julia's grave, Eleanor Rigby's grave, and Penny Lane with only a city map and no tour guide.
50. I am really good at choosing friends, and have only had 2 detrimental fights in my life, neither of which were instigated by myself.
51. I find it depressing at how much education in America sucks.
52. The sound, feel, and thought of ice gives me goosebumps. See, I'm getting them right now.
53. I would much rather be cold than hot.
54. My parents watched The West Wing and Northern Exposure when I was younger. They are now two of my favorite shows.
55. Grey's Anatomy is the only show I've watched since the live airing of the pilot.
56. I love being up early, but I have major problems getting out of bed.
57. I didn't realize that some people don't get songs stuck in their head until my senior year of high school.
58. I read Deathly Hallows in two different states. It was my college tour trip and I figured out which city we would be in for the midnight release. It was Newport News, Virginia.
59. I have a very distinctive belly laugh. I was voted best laugh in high school.
60. When I stand on a cliff or at the ocean shore, I find it very hard to believe that people thought the Earth was flat.
61. Breakfast is my favorite meal, but none of my favorite foods are breakfast foods.
62. I am really good at Southern accents, down to different states. I adapt to accents quickly.
63. I wish I was good at painting.
64. I went to the same camp every summer for eight years. I still love it there.
65. I hate working out and running. I like to exercise with a purpose.
66. All of my jobs I got by knowing someone.
67. My nickname is Pooh Bear. My dad has called me this since I was born. I respond to "Pooh" just like "Kate."
68. My favorite actor is Paul Bettany. My favorite actress in Meryl Streep. I like them for their versatility.
69. I love to give gifts to show my love. However, I appreciate one-on-one time with someone more than receiving gifts in return.
70. I like the first couple sips of a smoothie, but I can never finish one.
71. Twice I have made neon pants for someone. The first was for my AP Physics teacher. The second was for my friend to match his neon orange jacket.
72. I played softball for one season. I loved playing short stop, but when I was in the outfield, I picked flowers.
73. I LOVE Duke Men's basketball. I try to watch every game every year.
74. I have always really liked broccoli, but cauliflower is a recent development.
75. I have never been to a concert with more than 500 people that wasn't free.
76. Lengthwise my feet are size 9. Widthwise they are a size 10, sometimes 10 1/2.
77. I've never broken a bone. I needed two stitches once in my Acting I class.
78. I chronically roll my ankles. It was really bad in high school, but it is much better now. I once needed crutches for two weeks.
79. When Obama was elected President, I was watching youtube videos with friends about inappropriate references in Disney movies.
80. My first role in a play was as the Squeak Mouse in the Missoula Children's Theatre version of The Pied Piper.
81. When I was little, I read a Barbie book that described a picnic lunch having fried chicken, potato salad, and brownies. I have since always had it in my head that it would be one of the best picnics.
82. There is little better than walking into a quiet Roman church and looking at a Caravaggio in a side chapel.
83. I have a cluster of freckles that goes from my right elbow to my shoulder that I call my "Milky Way."
84. I used to love filling out forms and would make some up and print them just to fill them out.
85. I am Facebook friends with members of the Swiss Guard.
86. I am a wine snob. "Two Buck Chuck" is not in my vocabulary.
87. I have déjà vu about once ever two months.
88. When I read a book, I have trouble visualizing blonde men.
89. My dad bought a go-cart when I was younger and I crashed it into the front of our workshop and into a tree.
90. I like the smell of campfire smoke in my hair and on my clothes.
91. The only dogs I've ever had have been Airedale Terriers. They are like big teddy bears!
92. Whenever I hear a siren, I always say a little prayer.
93. I see money and use it as a means of doing what I want in life.
94. I love the idea of 6 degrees of separation and think about it more than normal.
95. I dislike any form of tomato that hasn't been cooked and pulverized.
96. My biggest fear has always been getting kidnapped.
97. I don't understand people who have trouble sleeping, and I hope I never will.
98. It is impossible for me to take naps that are less than a couple of hours. Therefore, I avoid napping.
99. I could waste hours in kitchen stores and bookstores.
100. One of my favorite activities is going to the movies by myself. I have yet to be the only person in the theatre, though. :(
What is "Oblivious Unction?" Oblivious Unction is shortened from Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It is the potion Madam Pomfrey uses to treat the wounds on Ron's arm after he is attacked by the brains in the Department of Mysteries. The actual definition is "to remove scarring left by thoughts" (HP Lexicon). When originally looking for a title for my blog, I knew I wanted something from Harry Potter. I looked all through the Lexicon and found this. I have always thought it would be an awesome name for a blog. Over the years the blog has changed, but the title has remained the same.